Friday Update 9-13-24
Updated On: Sep 23, 2024


Brothers and Sisters,   

Today, we begin with a thank you to our members who have once again shown that they are the best of the best as we battled large-scale, fast-moving fires while continuing to protect our communities. 

Our members continue to do more with less than any other department in the state. We get the job done because of the professionalism and skill of our Fire Family. This week also highlighted the critical need we have for our Measure E funding (on the ballot this November) as we battle fire and protect communities in spite of equipment issues and shortages. 

This week, we were reminded again of how important our training and safety equipment is to each and every one of us in this most dangerous occupation. But we can't ensure any of that without the proper funding for our Department now and in the future. 

Thank you again for all you and your families sacrifice daily to protect LA County. Stay safe and take care of each other. 

This week, more than ever, we continue to see the critical need to get Measure E: The LA County Fire Safety Measure passed on November 2024.  As we have said many times, political action is the most important thing we do to affect our wages, hours, and working conditions. This measure is the first citizen initiative ever run in a special district. 

We are looking for all members to educate themselves on this measure and the materials below. We will need every member of the community to tell their story. With an aging fleet, outdated communication equipment, and staffing below the national 4-0 standard, we have a lot on the line. We need our members to band together for our future.

We will be looking for volunteers for GOTV weekend and phone banking in the weeks leading up to the election to push this over the line. LET'S GET IT DONE!  

Click here to learn more about Measure E

Local 1014 was excited to have Superintendents Zimmerman, Meichtry, and McLaughlin attend the last general membership meeting on behalf of our air and wildland division, specifically the camps section. They brought forward concerns from the camps program about staffing, rumors of lost personnel, and what the future holds regarding the camps program, of which we are all so proud. We appreciate their collaboration, ability to bring concerns forward from their perspective as superintendents, and carrying of concerns and messages from our Foreman and FSAs. The discussions were fruitful and sparked a need for a follow-up meeting. Next week, your Executive Board will meet again with the superintendents and management to help ensure a unified message is being distributed to the Camps personnel. 

Members in our air and wildland division are an intricate part in how we operate as an elite organization. Local 1014 appreciates everything you do and we want to ensure we help fight for the now and the future to ensure you have the staffing, tools and resources you need to make our camps system elite. 

Beyond the immediate meeting next week. There were discussions about the need for a committee to be started with camp personnel, Labor, and management to ensure we maintain the finest camp system in the world. This committee will look at sources of funding, resources, staffing/hiring, the now and the future of the camps section. From the field, we will be looking for a small number of union members from all ranks within the camps section to join the committee. In the near future, we will ask those interested to raise their hands and come forward. 

In Solidarity, 

President Dave Gillotte and the Local 1014 Executive Board 

  • IAFF Local 1014

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