Brothers & Sisters,
All eyes were on LA City Firefighters as an explosion involving the CNG Fuel tank on a large truck. The large explosion that rocked the neighborhood occurred within minutes of the firefighter's arrival at a truck fire when one of its 100-gallon compressed natural gas fuel tanks ruptured and exploded, sending at least nine firefighters flying up to 50 feet with traumatic injuries and burns.
The other tank, thankfully, remained intact and was found in the debris. The nine firefighters were transported to area hospitals, and while seven of the nine have been released from the hospital, two remain in the hospital with severe injuries.
This call reminds us of the daily danger we all face. The tanks looked like normal diesel fuel tanks until they ruptured. Local 1014 contacted UFLAC 112, and Chief Marrone contacted Chief Crowley early to assist with anything LAFD needed. Thank you to our Chaplains for responding to the hospital and assisting with needs there immediately following the incident.
Our thoughts and prayers will be with the Firefighters who were injured and those who responded to help their brothers and their families as they heal and as we all look at what happened and how we can work to be safer on vehicle fires with CNG fuel tanks.
ET-78 was released announcing the status of funding for year three's Cost of Living Raise for our members, effective July 1, 2024. Local 1014 negotiated the first-ever agreement with the CEO, the Fire Chief, and the Union to form a Joint Labor Management Financial Task Force (JLMFC) to address not only year three of our contract but also financial issues with the Department in general with shared data, spending, and revenues to collaborate on how to manage the money best to fund all things needed on our Department. There was neglect in prioritizing spending, inadequate tracking of property tax revenues year to year, and no plan to end the worker's compensation system failures, resulting in overtime and medical spending that has been out of control. The Task Force met quarterly with the CEO, Local 1014, the FC, the Auditor-Controller, and the Treasurer Tax Collector.
Analysis and review of existing revenues and expenditures, future revenues and new revenue sources resulted in a shift in priorities of what we spend on and the Joint Labor Management Work Comp committee addressing the need to get our members treated and back to work. We had over 500 firefighters off duty due to injury or illness at the peak of our crisis. While the work needs to continue to mend our system, the results to date have helped with staffing issues and put millions back into the budget.
Additionally, we worked politically alongside the Fire Chief from an administrative position to renegotiate with our Contract Cities to get their fees for service back to standard value for services provided after their contracts were left for years with no cost of living adjustments or changes due to cost share. Political Action with elected leaders Local 1014 supported and good faith negotiations for fair contracts netted great results, adding over $30 million back into our budget.
While our Department will have a structural deficit going forward, we will continue the JLMFC work to guide the budget going forward; we will also be working to secure new revenue through a signature petition ballot measure in November. Needing 50% plus 1 to pass, the measure would generate close to 150 million dollars of new revenue to address operational needs, including a plan to move to 4-0 staffing overtime on all engine companies.
We want to thank the Fire Chief for supporting Local 1014's suggestions in the committee, and steering clear of ideas such as “Work Short” plans with over 100 positions not filled between January 1 and July 1. While the work needs to continue, we want to remind the membership that the Union's strength and ability to force bargaining and meet and confer, including budget, on all items through this last contract is what allowed us to fix the problem collaboratively.
The hard work of your Executive Board and our legal and financial experts, and our relationships with the Auditor-Controller and Treasurer-Tax Collector with support from the Fire Chief through the process of making changes and tracking resulting revenue vs. expenditures netted positive results for not only year three of our contract, but a forward positive path for our budget as a whole. Click here to view ET 78.