Friday Update 10-6-23
Updated On: Nov 08, 2023


Brothers and Sisters, 

This week, members of The Local 1014 Health Trust and staff attended the 69th Annual Employee Benefits Conference in Boston by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans (IFEBP). IFEBP is a nonprofit membership organization that provides training and resources for organizations providing healthcare and pension benefits to their employees and union members. 

At the conference, our trustees and staff attended classes on plan management, fiduciary responsibility, ethics, compliance, cybersecurity, and fraud detection, and more. A large part of this conference is networking with consultants, actuaries, attorneys, and investment firms. We gather with our partners from LACERA and Management representatives to ensure we set the bar high for our pension and healthcare benefits. 

Providing the highest level of care for our members and their families through The Local 1014 Health Plan is a responsibility we take very seriously. Our all-Firefighter Trustee Executive Board has a fiduciary requirement to attend these trainings to ensure we provide the best health care, engage in best practices, and maintain the plan's financial health. 

The Local 1014 Health Plan is among the most comprehensive plans available to Firefighters anywhere in the nation and is tailored to meet our Firefighters’ needs. It is also the #1 choice for our members and their families.

Enroll now at For more information about The Local 1014 Health Plan, please call member services at 800-660-1014 or email

Yesterday, we joined with our brothers and sisters at Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs (ALADS) to pay our respects to fallen Deputy Ryan Clinkunbroomer, a hero who served his community with dedication and courage. Deputy  Clinkunbroomer was killed in an ambush attack in Palmdale. Brother Ryan was 30 years old and an eight-year veteran of the LASD. He served the Palmdale and Antelope Valley communities with absolute distinction. He transferred to Palmdale station in July 2018. 

On behalf of our Local 1014 Fire Family, President Gillotte extends our love and condolences to President Ron Pippin of ALADS and President Escobedo of PPOA and the entire LASD family and family and friends of Deputy Ryan Clinkunbroomer. We shall not forget. 
Thank you to FOX 11 for featuring our LA County Peer Support Dogs this week! We are so grateful for the coverage of these special dogs who help break the stigma of behavioral health in the fire service. Click above to view the story. 


On Tuesday, October 10th, we look forward to continuing our on-the-road General Membership Meeting schedule with a meeting in Diamond Bar. These meetings are always well attended and bring information and communication to the regions.  This is your opportunity to have a voice, ask questions, and learn what your union is doing for you.

We will speak on all issues important to our membership.  We will have legislative and policy updates, health insurance information, negotiations updates, and a discussion on 48/96 trial proposal.  Please join us, break some bread, and discuss the critical issues affecting our Department and our profession. Light refreshments will be provided. See you there!  

In Solidarity, 

President Dave Gillotte and the Local 1014 Executive Board 

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