Friday Update 4-23-22
Updated On: May 13, 2022


Brothers & Sisters,

As we close out the third week of April, we continue to see the Department managers come to the bargaining table ill-prepared to deal with the issues. They do not understand the impact inflation has on every one of our members and their families. The County and the Department have come in with an offer that is not only too low but insulting. 

While they have come in singing the budget blues, as usual, they fail to present accurate numbers to make their case. This is disappointing and begins the conversation of going to IMPASSE, where we move to third parties to verify numbers, ability to pay, and details on the expense of what we propose. Additionally, the Fire Chief has put forward an archaic proposal of punitive physical exams and random drug testing as priorities. Once again, we see the lack of credibility in leadership in the budget priorities. 

Local 1014 bargaining team delivered a strong message about increased property tax revenue for the County and the Fire District and hard questions about the Fire Chief and Executive Staff's budget responsibilities with a $1.4 plus billion annual budget and their failure to plan for salary and benefit costs long term. Local 1014 is also contracting with a budget analyst to crunch all numbers for testimony during impasse and, if needed, in court.  

We also heard from the Department that the largest growing sector of our members, the “Plan C” Post-PEPRA members are not a priority for the Fire Chief. Public safety pension and salary parity is one of our themes this year. The Department managers are tone-deaf, so we encouraged them to get out to talk to the members doing the work. We have scheduled our next bargaining session for May 6th. We are committed to bargaining in good faith every Friday until we get a fair contract.  

Finally, the Department expressed concern about some job actions they have begun to see. We assured them that Local 1014 members will be supporting the other public sector unions in their strike votes and taking part in our own “work to the rule” actions as necessary. 

This will not get better until we see two things: 1) a fair contract and 2) a leadership change to provide the strength and support we deserve. The morale and the lack of confidence in leadership have sunk to an all-time low. We are demanding leadership. One Badge, One Bear, One Share.

The Recruit Class Cadre fiasco continues to move forward following the Fire Chief's decision to send the entire Training Cadre away without any formal investigation or due process. These actions sent waves of disappointment and disbelief through the training center ranks. The lack of due process alone is unconscionable. 

The Union has represented 37 recruits who, in their 8th week, had to sit for PPS investigation instead of handling hose lays and ladders. Welcome to the County! 

Local 1014 also represents the Training Center Cadre and all individuals through grievances and investigative interviews. We have no confidence in CPOE, the Department PPS, or any private firm they have hired to get this investigation done right. Local 1014 will be reporting this incident to the EEOC - Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the federal bureau that deals with discrimination and unfair practices based on protected class standing. 

Local 1014 has a strong non-discrimination policy and will aggressively pursue a fair and unbiased investigation into the allegations. Let’s get transparent and upfront on the issues, the complaints, and the actual facts. To date, with our interviews and the fact-finding, there appears to be no credibility to actions taken on behalf of the small numbers of recruits who did not pass the standards for continued participation in the drill tower. We support minimum standards of performance relative to our job. We believe there were many other ways to handle this training center issue. 

Our proud and dedicated membership has had enough in the training services section. Many members have written letters to remove themselves from the voluntary work of training new members. Local 1014 has given advice and guidance to our members who represent the majority of the training cadre and subset SME’s. We support their decision and ask that, pending an independent investigation into the training cadre issue, refrain from volunteering to teach or help until after Class 168 and the current FSA towers finish. 

Please copy and or consult with Chris Reade and Tony Carcioppolo when removing yourself from work associated with training.   We thank you in advance for your metered and focused support for the actions needed.   


Political action and legislative advocacy are how any Union gets a seat at the table, much less the opportunity to craft work or ensure we don’t get hurt. Workers' compensation law and the impact on firefighters has been front and center at the Alfred K. Whitehead Labor Center, your Union hall for many years.  

When President Gillotte got a call from the Secretary of Labor Marty Walsh asking if Local 1014 could host a discussion on firefighters workers' compensation issues for federal firefighters, it was an easy yes. We jumped at the opportunity to integrate our history and work in California on presumptive claims, like cancer, and our current work on SB 1127 - Workers Compensation Liability Presumptions. This bill seeks to reduce the timeline for employers, insurers and 3rd party administrators to accept claims. It lifts the 5-year CAP on TD granted for cancer treatment when cancer recurs in firefighters.   

The meeting was rich with federal and municipal firefighters bringing personal testimony about not getting treatment and the lack of wage protection to provide for families. The Secretary of Labor, who comes from a construction industry labors union background and is a good friend of IAFF General President Ed Kelly, understood the issues and got in deep for over an hour and a half with details. We will be continuing to help them as they move their agenda forward. Know that federal firefighters still have no right to bargain and make less than $15/hour.   Local 1014 stands in solidarity and continued commitment to helping Unions and firefighters beyond our borders. One team, one fight! Union Strong!

The blood supply is at an all-time low for the American Red Cross. They are experiencing a severe shortage of O Negative blood with only a one-day supply at times. They have reached out to our Union for help. We consistently show up for the Red Cross so they are once again asking our members and families to step up. 

As part of our commitment to our communities, Local 1014 will be hosting a blood drive Tuesday, May 3rd from 9am-3pm at our Union Hall. It only takes 30 mins to save 3 lives. Sign up today and be a hero! 

Click here to sign up to donate!

In Solidarity, 

President Dave Gillotte and the Local 1014 Executive Board 

  • IAFF Local 1014

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