Friday Update 11-17-23
Updated On: Jan 02, 2024


Brothers and Sisters, 

This week we would like to begin with a reminder of the behavioral health and peer support resources that are available to all members both active and retired as we mark the beginning of the holiday season. 

As we all know, near the holidays our work begins to get more intense and more stressful, we would like to remind all our members to take care of each other. If you or one of your fellow brothers and sisters need help, please reach out and get that help. The PeerSupport Team is always there to help or visit
Click above to hear the 2022 episode of CPF Fire Wire where CPF President Brian Rice talks with the author of AB 1116 — Assemblymember Tim Grayson — about the importance of peer support and confidentiality protections for our Firefighters. 
Reminder of Rights!! 

Unfortunately, as of late the Department has been coming down with more discipline. This initial discipline had been heavy-handed and unnecessary in many cases. As a reminder one of the many things your union board does for its members is representation. 

If approached by management or someone from the Department on a matter that seems odd. Stop them, and ask “Can this lead to discipline?” If the answer is yes, immediately ask for union representation. 

Additionally, the Department is sending out a large number of Requests for Written Statements (RWS) of our members in mainly two areas, vehicle accidents and EMT licensure.Upon receiving a RWS, by accepting, or signing that you received it DOES NOT mean that you agree with it or that you are admitting guilt, it only means that you have received it. 

Once you have received it, contact a Union Rep prior to filling it out and sending it to anyone in management, so that we can answer any questions that you have and to provide direction. We have the ability to run it through our legal counsel, if necessary, to get his legal opinion on the questions being asked, prior to sending it back to the requestor. Accidents do happen, which is why there is a word for it. We go on over 300,000 runs per year as a Department and as a percentage, our accident numbers are very low.

On the EMS licensure issue, we have notified of members getting requests for written statements for missing a skills testing date or having their license lapse, while off on a job-related injury. While it is true that you cannot work with a lapsed license without putting liability on yourself and the department, once you return from injury, you may be placed on 40-hour week until you have completed the recertification process. If you are off over 90 days, you will be given a form that requires signatures from various sections of the Department and verifies that your licenses are all up to date, (i.e., Driver’s License, EMT and PM licenses). This does benefit our members while also covering the Department's liability. If you work at all with an expired license of any kind, you could be subject to discipline by the Local and State EMS agencies or the Department in the case of an expired driver’s license.

Continue doing the outstanding job that you all do and providing the excellent care that you always have. If you happen to receive one of these Requests for written statements, always, always, contact your union rep. Any BC worth his salt should be advising you to contact the Union and should never tell you “This is no big deal.” It is potentially a big deal and your Union is here to work on your behalf. 

Please see the link below as a reminder of all your rights as a FBOR-protected employee. These resources are also in your station on the Local 1014 poster. We value you and your membership help us help you by reviewing your rights. 
Click here to view the Firefighters Bill of Rights
Finally, as we near the holidays, we want to encourage support for a fundraiser by the LA County Fire Wives. LA County Fire Wives is hosting a Friendsgiving event to raise money for our fire families going through hardship or needing extra support this holiday season. Through generous donations this year, the group has been able to donate groceries, gift cards, participate in meal trains, and more for our Fire Family who are experiencing hardship like severe illness or the illness of a loved one. 

The money raised will go directly towards our fire families. Your donation makes a difference in our LACOFD Fire Family. 

In Solidarity, 

President Dave Gillotte and the Local 1014 Executive Board 

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