For nearly two years, our members have been serving on the frontlines of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now we are finally receiving compensation for our efforts to protect and provide emergency medical services to our communities. 

The County will pay the bonus in two parts. The first part is the $1,000 bonus which members will receive automatically in their paychecks.  The County has not given an exact date but has stated they will pay the $1,000 before the end of the year.  The second part is the $500 reserved only for employees at "Elevated Risk".  This bonus applies to any employees whose assignment during the pandemic required them to come within six feet of a co-worker or member of the public for at least 15 minutes. 

To receive the additional $500 bonus, you must fill out a brief form attesting to your qualifications for this bonus by November 24th!
Click here to review the instructions for completing the COVID Appreciation Bonus attestation by November 24th
Please be sure to fill the attestation out immediately in order to ensure you receive the bonus before the holidays. As always, stay safe and take care of each other. 



We currently have 70% of our members "registered."  Now that we have established ground rules for the data storage and testing process, we want our members to avoid discipline over registration with Fulgent and ensure that we can keep the bargaining process moving forward with the County.  

We have had several questions about filling out the registration process with Fulgent. See our brief Q&A below. 

Should I register with Fulgent even if I am unvaccinated? 

Yes. We are now at a point where we have worked through our data security issues with Fulgent and we feel confident that our controls are in place to protect our members. We now need the data for our Department in order to move the bargaining process forward. 

Do I need to fill out a religious or medical exemption now? 

No. You do not have to declare your religious or medical exemption now. In fact, we recommend that you wait to apply for these exemptions until we have finished the bargaining process. 

If I am off on protected leave (long-term sick, injury, FMLA, etc.) do I need to register? 
No. You do not need to register until you return to work. 

The form will not let me close out without choosing an option. Is it okay to click not vaccinated, or will this lead to discipline? 

Yes, it is okay to click "Not Vaccinated". Please register your vaccination status with the County as quickly as possible so that we can have a true count of our Department. 
If you have any issues with the form or additional questions about registering, please contact a Union Board Member. 

We want to thank Chief Marrone for his work with the Union on this critical matter. We have his commitment that we will work together towards the goal of keeping our workforce strong as we navigate this process.

While we continue to be at impasse, we feel we have made progress in educating the County regarding innovative testing solutions, like natural immunity, and proven preventative measures that will allow our members freedom of choice while protecting the public we serve. With new innovations in testing and treatment being introduced for FDA approval weekly, like the recent Pfizer antiviral pill, we are certain that we will be able to reach an agreement that makes sense for the County and protects our members and their families.  

While over 70% of our members are vaccinated, we also have a small section of our membership who has chosen not to be vaccinated.  Your Board understands our members have their own personal beliefs and are passionate about them.  We have taken numerous calls regarding the vaccine mandate over the last week. Our UNITED stance is that we do recommend that you get vaccinated, but we are 100% against mandatory vaccinations. This is also the stance of the IAFF and CPF. The battles ahead are going to be fought on every level possible. We both encourage and recommend that you educate yourself with as much accurate information as possible. 
The Board of Supervisors are our governing body.  We have seen both an Executive Order to mandate vaccines by October and also we are watching a proposed motion. While none of these actions have any immediate authority, the very nature of mandatory vaccines and or testing has some real challenges.   We have legal counsel working with us to tackle objection and/or court-supported mandates to bargain over the “impact” of such changes.  We also continue discussions with the Board of Supervisors and the Health Deputies on our bargain units' specific situation and how we can best address the health issue. The meet and confer process is where the real work gets done and we will be taking a data-based legal approach to reach an agreement that protects our members' right to choose while maintaining the highest health and safety standards for our members and their families.  

Click here to read the IAFF memorandum from general counsel on the COVID vaccine mandate 

Local 1014 and all IAFF, CPF unions have solidarity in two items: 1) support of our members getting the vaccine and the information needed to support getting the vaccine, and 2) strong opposition to any mandate of the vaccine for our members.  While we recognize, based on legal precedent, that the County has the ability to mandate vaccinations, we are opposed and have our own legal precedent to prevent any application of this mandate without a meet and confer with labor. 

We issued a formal letter to the Board of Supervisors stating our opposition to the vaccine mandate

Click here to read our letter to the Board of Supervisors asserting our members' rights regarding the vaccine mandate
We know that we can educate, encourage and incentivize most to get vaccinated. We have reasonable accommodations for those who do not wish to vaccinate such as masks, gloves, goggles, gowns, washing, and social distancing protocols that have worked to allow our members to not only remain safe while treating COVIDpatients in the field but also to keep those we treat safe.  There is no denying the numbers drop in COVID cases once the vaccine came out and we began inoculations. We want to continue on a path to keep our members safe and keep the economy open for the citizens we serve and the budgets that pay for our Fire and EMS services. 

However, we will continue to battle to get our terms to the table and into an agreement.  This will take some time as the Unions of the Coalition of County Unions, (CCU) inclusive of Local 1014, LACOLA , ALADS (Sheriff), PPOA, AFSME 685 (Probation), continue to bargain. Together we have the power to deal with the County more effectively than individually.  Our efforts are powerful and pragmatic and we have the best legal counsel money can buy for these issues.  Federal, state and local laws all combine here to give authority or rights of bargaining to deal with all aspects of a vaccine mandate or accommodations and the laws that govern.  Additionally, Local 1014 has our own legal counsel in a coordinated manner to watch out for our own interests specific to Los Angeles County Fire and Local 1014 members. 

We have also been in contact with the Fire Chief and the CEO and we have a good discussion and rapport with both as we navigate where this will end up.  The Department is not in any rush, nor bent on any particular plan or direction on this, and truly open to a partnership as we deal with the County and the CEO, and BOS.  

We are remaining laser-focused on the facts and the negotiations in process and progress. We understand the diversity of our members and opinions on this subject. We represent ALL our members' interest and their right to medical choice and privacy.  We must stay together as one and use our strength to navigate this issue alongside our public safety partners.  Thank you for the many useful ideas and input as we move forward with the County.

Page Last Updated: Nov 12, 2021 (09:54:14)
  • IAFF Local 1014

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