Brothers & Sisters,
This week, we begin with an update on our LA County Fire Safety Measure. As you know, Local 1014 has been aggressively moving forward on the signature gathering for our ballot initiative to secure more funding for our Department, including staffing, infrastructure, apparatus, and equipment. We are currently gathering signatures in locations throughout the district.
If you get questions while in the field working or calls at the station, you can confirm there is a citizen's initiative for additional funding for the LA County Fire District. Today, we launched our website where you can direct members of the public who have questions about the initiative. You can also direct them to any Local 1014 Executive Board member or the Department's Executive Staff for more detailed information.
We have a lot of work to do to secure those votes, but together, we can win for the future of our Department and our families. Thank you all in advance for your consideration of our collective efforts.