Friday Update 10-20-23
Updated On: Nov 28, 2023


Brothers and Sisters, 

This weekend, Local 1014 joined Los Angeles County Fire Department and California Professional Firefighters to honor 35 fallen heroes to the California Firefighters Memorial Wall, including our own LACOFD Fire Captain Steven McCann for having served with bravery & distinction.

The California Fire Foundation's California Firefighters Memorial is a unique and stunning tribute to the more than 1,500 firefighters who have died in the line of duty since California became a state in 1850. The California Firefighters Memorial was unveiled on April 6, 2002, and is a lasting tribute to the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect their fellow Californians.

Los Angeles County Fire Fighters, Department and Union, attended in solidarity and strength and had a big presence, as always, at the event. Our Honor Guard, Pipes and Drums, Peer Support, Chaplains, and Families joined hearts and hands, shed tears, laughed, talked story, and healed.    

Also this year, we also added long-time friend and partner in all things Union, Riverside City Captain and CPF District Vice President Brother Tim Strack's name onto our beautiful wall, where his family, like all others, can find a little peace, reflection, and support.

Thank you to Governor Gavin Newsom and many other leaders who spent the day with the families intimately talking and honoring their loved ones service. Special thank you also to Chief Marrone for continuing our Department support alongside the Union as we take care of our own and thanks to Deputy Fire Chief Jon OBrien for representing the Executive Staff and paying respects at the event. 
Click here to watch the video. 

Public Safety PEER Support Association (PSPSA) 7th Annual “Wellness on the Front Line” Conference

The PSPSA conference is an annual gathering of Peer Support Teams, clinicians and third-party resources from Law Enforcement, Fire, EMS, Probation, Coroners, Lifeguards, and retirees. Together we share education, shared resources, and contemporary modern methods of proactively and reactively dealing with PTSI and resiliency.  

Our Captain PEER Support Coordinators, Lead Peers from Fire and Lifeguards, Dr. Steve Froehlich and contracted clinician Niki Stepanian were all in attendance along with our Peer Support Dogs. 

This year, San Diego Fire and Rescue were honored with the PSPSA Meritorious Service Team Award is awarded to a First Responder Peer Support Team for their diligence and perseverance in serving others, and whose service is above what is normally required or expected of a Peer Support Team. 

Our own LA County Team was awarded this honor in 2019, and congratulations to San Diego Fire Local 145 for their achievements and recognition, most notably opening their first wellness center for Fire and PD.  We can always gain inspiration as we network and Chief Marrone, our goal is to have our own “Wellness Center” for our members. 

Peer Support is simply member-to-member help, much like the kitchen table, with tools like Dr Steve and more to help our members proactively and reactively with regard to the measurable impact of our demanding job. 
Check out PSPSA here
Political action is our most powerful tool in advocating for our members and their families. This month, we had some big wins for our state legislative program with California Professional Firefighters. 

See the list of bills below signed into law by Governor Newsom this month, including a groundbreaking measure to reduce wall time in hospitals, which Local 1014, with our partner affiliates, has been pushing for years. 
In addition to our local county and city races, we also play heavily in state races for State Senate and State Assembly through the California Professional Firefighters our state union. We have submitted our endorsements after a long interview and selection process for future elected so that we can continue to have our voices heard in the State Legislature as we fight for more protections, wages, and benefits for our members and their families. 


Local 1014 - Voter Initiative 2024 

This week we also made significant progress moving forward on signature gathering for our ballot initiative in the Los Angeles County Fire Protection District which includes over 130 unincorporated communities and 60 contract cities. We have not had a readjustment to the formula for our revenue streams in over 25 years. This is a heavy lift for our union but it will secure more funding for our Department including staffing, infrastructure, apparatus and equipment not only for our next contract cycle but will also correct the formula for funding future generations of firefighters.

From weekly meetings to focus groups, polling and language work towards final title and summary, we are working hard to ensure that we are successful in this initiative. There are a lot of moving pieces and players including a yes vote from all five of the Board of Supervisors, the Registrar Recorder in both LA and Orange County and more. 

This is our number one priority as we work to secure permanent solutions that will ensure our members continue to have the resources they need as our County population and our call volumes and intensity increase. 


The Local 1014 Health Plan is among the most comprehensive plans available to Firefighters anywhere in the nation and is tailored to meet our Firefighters’ needs. It is also the #1 choice for our members and their families.

Enroll now at For more information about The Local 1014 Health Plan, please call member services at 800-660-1014 or email

In Solidarity, 

President Dave Gillotte and the Local 1014 Executive Board 

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