48/96 Ballot vote to begin August 1, 2014
Updated On: Jul 21, 2014

Upcoming vote by ballot

48/96 One year trial schedule change proposal

Ballots go out August 1, 2014 - Ballots to be counted August 19, 2014

Local 1014 will be sending out Ballots on August 1st, 2014 - to be counted on August 19th, 2014 at 10 am at California Elections Company.  This is a standard vote by mail secret ballot process consistent with past vote by ballot processes. 

The question before you will simply be, “Shall the Local 1014 Executive Board pursue and negotiate a One-Year Trial 48/96 Shift Schedule Change, with subsequent vote to approve or deny continuation of such schedule?” Yes means yes, no means no.

Ballots will be sent to only those members who are in fire series bargaining units who are eligible to work this schedule proposal and are members in good standing.  No other members will be voting.

If you have had a change of address permanently or if you will be at a different location for this voting period as many folks may be on vacation, etc. please contact the Union Hall ASAP to give us your address change either temp or permanent, so we can make sure you receive your ballot.  Remember ballots must be received in the post office box by August 19th by 10 am.  Ballots must be mailed, not dropped off or hand carried, etc., so get your ballot in hand, marked and mailed.  Ideally we would like to see all members vote who are affected, and the vote threshold will be 50% plus one of all members eligible to work the schedule. In other words, a simple majority of those who may work this schedule must indicate they would like to move this forward to the next steps to negotiate a trial.

If you had an address change or would like to receive your ballot at a different location then your normal address because you may be on vacation etc. please Call, FAX, or E-Mail your contact information to:

Los Angeles County Fire Fighters, Local 1014
3460 Fletcher Ave, El Monte, CA 91731
(310) 639-1014, FAX (310) 639-5314
E-Mail – mail@local1014.org
WEB – www.local1014.org

Check iafflocal1014.org or local1014.org for details

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